🔥 🔎 Claim rewards on the OKX exchange from the prize pool of 7M - 700 OL will be distributed (at the current rate of $61 ❗️) to the first 10,000 - hurry up.

What do we do?

Click "Participate" on the page:

✅ https://www.okx.com/campaigns/openloot-trade-and-earn?channelid=MAYCRYPTO

Top up the account with $ 100

Make a volume greater than $ 100 on the OL coin during the promo (it's really not much)))

Receive 700 OL (sell and go for the Lambo 🏎)

For those who don't have an account on the OKX exchange yet, register here:


❗️Don't miss out on opportunities, it's rare to get $60 - $100 🤑