Determining whether an “earn” is halal or haram depends on several factors related to the source of the earning and the method of achieving it. Here are some key points:

### 1. **Source**

- **Halal**: If the earning is from lawful activities such as trade, work, or permissible investments.

- **Haram**: If the source is illicit such as gambling, drug dealing, or any activity prohibited by Islamic law.

### 2. **Means**

- The methods used to earn must be consistent with Islamic values. For example, earning from fraud or deception is considered haram.

### 3. **Intention**

- Intention plays an important role. If the intention is good and directed towards good, the earning is considered halal.

### 4. **Sharia Compliance**

- It is important to ensure that the activities from which the earning is made do not conflict with Islamic controls, such as usury or uncertainty.

### Summary

To determine whether an income is halal or haram, one must consider the source, means, intention, and compliance with the legal conditions. It is best to consult religious scholars for accurate fatwas related to your particular situation.