How much income will you earn by holding 1 BNB each year?

To calculate income from holding 1 BNB, you can participate in staking activities. Staking BNB currently allows you to earn interest of up to 35% annually (APY) on platforms like This means that if you stake 1 BNB, you could earn approximately 0.35 BNB in a year, equivalent to the value of 0.35 BNB based on the market price at that time.

It is important to note that this yield may vary depending on market conditions and the policies of the staking platform. Additionally, the value of BNB may also fluctuate, affecting your actual income. The staking process not only helps you earn interest but also contributes to maintaining and developing the Binance ecosystem. However, you also need to consider the associated risks such as cryptocurrency volatility before deciding to stake.