I'll share a few TG games that have been listed on the exchange in recent snapshots. If you haven't played them yet, you can take this opportunity to catch up.

1. GOATS, the snapshot at the end of November, has been listed on Zhima before the market opens. Copy the link to your browser t.me/realgoats_bot/run?startapp=96f0e989-8ef2-47a4-b821-5d4277281393

2. MONEY DOGS will be listed on the exchange in December. Copy the link to your browser t.me/money_dogs_bot/money_dogs?startapp=YxPRi6UM

3. MAJOR has been listed on BG, Zhima before the market opens. Copy the link to your browser t.me/major/start?startapp=6529332117

4. SNAKE, a new game that has just been released, has the same gameplay as MONEY DOGS. Copy the link to your browser t.me/Snakeshouselive_bot/snakes?startapp=yJxfo5LPQK #空投零噜分享 #空投确认 #电报游戏