Imagine this,
You are new in crypto.
You saw your portfolio do a 20x over the next 6 moths.
Then it dipped. 20%
Then it dipped 20%
Then it pumped 50%
Then it dipped 60%
Then it dipped 40%
Then it dipped 40%
Then it crashed 70%
Then you are back to your original investment or worse.. at a loss.
Trust me. This will happen to 95% of people.
If you are new. You came at the best time. Dont waste it. Educate yourself about market cycles. Do not think crypto is easy and you will keep winning forever.
Keep your tokens. Do nothing but study exit strategies and market cycles and when to know the top is in. Learn how to identify trends.
Just because you skipped the hard part doesnt mean you are better. Stay humble.
You only win if you take profit.
The bullrun will last but it will not last forever.
Dont be arrogant and greedy.