Eight Key Tricks for Trading
Understand Benefits for a Lifetime
First, for varieties that have already risen significantly, if there is sudden good news, it's a selling opportunity.
Second, for varieties that have been declining for a long time, if there is sudden bad news, you may want to pay attention.
Third, when faced with a choice between two options, the ones you often buy don't rise, while the ones you didn't buy do.
Fourth, for varieties you really want to buy, they often stop rising once you purchase them, and the ones you hesitate to sell often keep falling.
Fifth, market makers prefer customers to trade short-term, while the main players prefer you to play long-term.
Sixth, short-term looks at sentiment, medium-term looks at indicators, long-term looks at cycles.
Seventh, speculation is about expectations; the better the performance, the lower the valuation, it may have already peaked, like the recent AI trend.
Eighth, even pigs on the wind can fly; themes are for short-term plays, don't blindly believe in value investing.
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