$DOGS It seems like there might be some significant news regarding Pavel Durov next week & Given Durov's influence on the DOGS token, this news might impact its price and community sentiment.
Pavel Durov's ongoing investigation could certainly impact the DOGS token's value & If Pavel Durov is found not guilty or the charges are dropped, it could certainly have a positive impact on the DOGS token's value. The resolution of legal issues and the removal of uncertainty could restore investor confidence and potentially lead to a price increase.
Pavel Durov has been active on his Telegram channel, sharing various updates and thoughts. However, based on the latest information, it doesn't seem like he has specifically mentioned the DOGS token recently. His posts have covered topics like Telegram's search feature and his recent initiative to offer free IVF treatments.
Even after his ongoing investigation Pavel Durov can still influence the DOGS token price if he talks about it on Telegram. His statements and updates have a significant impact on the community and can drive short-term price movements.
Pavel Durov can influence the DOGS token price by making announcements or sharing positive news about the token on his Telegram channel. Given his significant following and influence, any supportive comments or updates regarding the DOGS token could lead to increased interest and demand, potentially driving up the price