On the importance of choice and courage

If you make the right choice and have some courage, you may be worth over 100 million in a year or two.

I vaguely remember that it was at the end of March 2020. I bought#ethwith all the money I had (about half a million) at 135.68u. It was actually a huge gamble. If I had bought other copycats at that time, some of them might have been lost. It has returned to zero, so I always say later that Ethereum chose me, not me.

In May of the next year, on May 13, 2021, I remember clearly that I sold all the Ethereum at a price of 4196.60u, which increased 30.93 times. At this time, my assets reached 15465064.858 u.

After two days of rest, I made a bold and crazy decision. I used the contract knowledge that I had studied for a period of time. On May 15, 2021, the price of Ethereum was 4158.62, and I opened a short position ten times, with a full position.

Now that I think about it, I feel a little scared. It’s so crazy. Maybe it was just luck. It plummeted not long after it opened. When the pin plummeted on May 19, 2021, the short order was closed at a price of 1979.77.

At this time, the balance on my account reached 81021475.78u.

To be honest, I was a little overwhelmed at the time. For a young man in his early twenties, he was a little overwhelmed with so much wealth.

I cashed out some and was free for a while.

On June 30, 2021, I got some inside information and bought the full position of Ethereum at a price of 2193.53u. The book price was about 80586523.78u.

Then it was sold at a price of 4728u on December 2, 2021. At this time, there were already 173698597.43u on the book.

At that time I was thinking that maybe I was born to be a trader, making the right choices at the right time, plus some courage.

Then when I started planning how to use the money later, I was woken up by a splash of urine, which made me unable to calm down for a long time. If I had known better, I would have drank less water at night.