🚨 A loud investigation is unfolding in the USA: The FBI has taken on the case of racist messages received by African Americans in several states. The messages contained offensive calls to 'go to the plantations' and reminded of the darkest times in history.

These messages appeared right after the elections, in which the Republican candidate Donald Trump won. Some messages even contained references to his campaign, but official representatives of Trump's team were quick to deny any involvement, stating that the campaign has nothing to do with this incident.

📱 Terrifying and offensive messages were sent to Black students and schoolchildren in the states of Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, and Pennsylvania. In response, the FBI confirmed that it is conducting an investigation and is in contact with the Department of Justice to uncover the origin of the messages and find those responsible.

Who is behind this, and how many people have been affected — remains a mystery. However, one thing is clear: the authorities are serious about putting an end to such egregious displays of discrimination! 😤