The Crypto Exchange That Got Hacked Four Times😭

Meet "CryptoSafe," an exchange that boasted "military-grade security."


1. 2018: $10 million stolen due to a lone hacker's coffee-shop Wi-Fi exploit.

2. 2020: $20 million lost after an employee's Gmail account was phishing-compromised.

3. 2022: $50 million vanished when a developer accidentally pushed untested code.

4. 2023: $100 million swiped thanks to a CEO's password reuse (it was "Crypt0King").

CryptoSafe's customers: "How can we trust you?"

CryptoSafe: "We're upgrading to... 'CryptoSafest'!"

Moral: Cybersecurity is not just a slogan!

Other story options:

1. The Bitcoin Miner Who Accidentally Mined on His Work Computer (Again!)

2. The Couple Who Got Married with a Bitcoin-Themed Wedding (and divorced over Bitcoin)

3. The Man Who Spent 100 ETH on a Digital Rock (and thought it was a good investment)

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1. A funny crypto-themed meme?

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