[ZachXBT: Zopp0 is associated with multiple Rug Pull projects, and it uses many KOLs to deceive traders] Golden Finance reported that the chain detective ZachXBT posted on X: "SCALE, NTD, TPU, and OPSEC projects are all associated with the same person Zopp0, who uses many KOLs shown in the leaked messages to deceive traders. While paying others to stand up for OPSEC behind the scenes, Zopp0 participated in key decisions as an owner in private Telegram chats, including talking about the lack of technical research. Earlier this year, I reported several KOLs who promoted these AI GPU-related scams because they fell 90% in one day. I have been following these messages since April 2024, but I never posted them in the end because I had to deal with angry token holders and well-paid KOLs when I reminded people of the danger signals before. I think now is a better time because three of the projects have conducted Rug Pulls."