Everyone is eagerly waiting for those small cryptocurrencies to soar alongside the big bull market as before, but I need to pour a bucket of cold water on everyone to wake them up!

This bull market is very different from previous ones!

Are you still thinking that every four years there will be a wave of bull markets, with Bitcoin multiplying several times each time, and when Bitcoin hits a new high, those small cryptocurrencies will surge along with it?

But you need to understand that when everyone thinks this is a definite rule, it's often the time for a change.

In the last bull market, many people firmly believed that Bitcoin would not drop below the previous high, and thought it would only drop to 40,000 at most. What happened? It dropped directly to 16,000, even lower than the 2017 high!

Now, everywhere you hear that when Bitcoin hits a new high, small cryptocurrencies will surge.

But have you thought about it? What basis do small cryptocurrencies have to rise? Who will take over?

This is something we must ponder carefully!

So, we need to calm down now and think about our strategies, how to operate in a way that is most beneficial to ourselves.

Don’t just close your eyes and listen to what you want to hear. If you’re stuck with small cryptocurrencies, don’t just hope others will mindlessly shout long; if you don’t hold anything, don’t just hope others will mindlessly shout short.

Both of these mindsets are not good. Making money is your own business; you must clarify a strategy that suits you, and that is the most important thing!

As for me, when Bitcoin hits a new high, I will gradually reduce my position; as for small cryptocurrencies, if one day there is a sudden surge or good news, I will also take the opportunity to reduce my position.

I believe in one thing: risks are created by rises, and opportunities are created by falls.

Recently, I plan to ambush a potential coin that is ready to surge, doubling it is quite simple, and I also plan to find some potential coins to hold until the end of the year, expecting a space of over ten times is not a problem. If you want to keep up, like and leave a message for free sharing.


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