This is a general announcement. The mentioned products and services may not be available in your region.
Hello, Binancian:
At Binance, we periodically review each digital asset on our listings to ensure it continues to meet a high standard and industry requirements. When a coin or token no longer meets these standards or the industry landscape changes, we conduct a deeper review and may decide to delist the asset. Our priority is to provide the best services and protection to our users while we continue to adapt to the dynamic evolution of this market.
When we conduct these reviews, we consider various factors. Here are some that determine whether we decide to remove a digital asset from our listings:
Team commitment to the project
Level and quality of ongoing activity
Trading volume and liquidity
Network stability and security against attacks
Network stability or smart contract
Public communication level
Response to our periodic due diligence requests
Evidence of unethical/fraudulent conduct or negligence.
New regulatory requirements
Contribution to a healthy and sustainable cryptocurrency ecosystem
In accordance with our most recent reviews, we have decided to delist and suspend trading of the following Spot trading pairs starting November 6, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC):
Please note the following:
The trading pairs that will be removed are as follows: KP3R/USDT, OOKI/USDT, UNFI/BTC, UNFI/TRY, UNFI/USDT, USDT/IDRT
All trade orders will be automatically removed after trading ceases in each respective pair.
The token valuation will no longer be displayed in your wallet after the delisting. To view your assets after trading ceases, make sure to uncheck the 'Hide small balances' option in your wallets.
Deposits of these tokens after November 7, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC) will not be credited to your account.
Binance will stop supporting withdrawals of these tokens after February 6, 2025, at 03:00 (UTC).
Binance MAY convert the delisted tokens to stablecoins on behalf of users starting February 7, 2025, at 03:00 (UTC). However, the conversion of the delisted tokens to stablecoins is NOT guaranteed. A separate notification will be sent prior to the conversion, when applicable, and the stablecoins will be credited to the users' Binance accounts after the conversion.
The mentioned tokens will be delisted from Binance Simple Earn on November 4, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC). Users can redeem their positions in Flexible products early. Otherwise, these positions will be automatically redeemed on the mentioned date and subsequently transferred to users' Spot wallets.
Starting October 31, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC), all pending VIP Borrowing positions of KP3R, OOKI, and UNFI as loan tokens or collateral tokens will be closed. Users are advised to repay these pending loans before October 31, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC) to avoid potential losses, if applicable.
On October 30, 2024, at 09:00 (UTC), the Binance funding rates arbitrage Bot will close all arbitrage strategies and perform an automatic settlement on the UNFI/USDT pair. The pair will no longer be available to open new arbitrage strategies once it is delisted.
Binance Margin will delist KP3R, OOKI, and UNFI from Cross and Isolated margins on October 31, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC). It will be removed from margin trading for Cross and Isolated margin pairs KP3R/USDT, OOKI/USDT, UNFI/BTC, and UNFI/USDT.
On October 25, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC), Isolated margin borrowing for the mentioned pairs will be suspended. On October 31, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC), Binance Margin will close users' positions, perform an automatic settlement, and cancel all pending orders in the mentioned Isolated margin pairs. Finally, these pairs will be removed from Isolated margin trading.
On October 25, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC), Binance Margin will suspend Cross margin borrowing on the previously mentioned tokens. On October 31, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC), if users have both collateral and liabilities in the previously mentioned tokens, the collateral will be used to pay the corresponding liabilities. If any tokens remain as collateral or liabilities, one of these two options will occur:
In case users only have the mentioned tokens in the form of collateral:
If the collateral margin level (CML) is above 2, the mentioned tokens will be transferred to users' Spot wallets until the CML reaches 2. Then, the remaining tokens in their Cross Margin accounts that will be delisted will be sold in full.
If the CML is below 2, the remaining tokens in users' Cross Margin accounts that will be delisted will be sold in full.
In case users only have the mentioned tokens in the form of liabilities:
If the CML is equal to or greater than 2, the pending orders will not be affected.
If the CML is below 2, all pending orders in their Cross Margin accounts will be canceled.
Then, the system will sell other collateral tokens to buy and fully repay the liabilities in the tokens that will be delisted.
Users will not be able to update their positions during this delisting process, and they are strongly advised to close their positions or transfer their assets from the Margin wallet to the Spot wallet before the end of margin trading on October 31, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC). Binance will not be responsible for any potential losses.
Margin wallet users are advised to transfer the mentioned tokens from their Margin wallet to their Spot wallet and to top up their margin balance if necessary, before October 31, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC). Users should closely monitor the unified maintenance margin rate (uniMMR) to avoid potential liquidation arising from the removal of tokens from the Margin wallet.
All balances of KP3R, OOKI, and UNFI in the Cross Margin wallet of the wallet account will be automatically converted to USDT on October 31, 2024, at 06:00 (UTC). The conversion may take approximately 24 hours or more. Binance Margin is not responsible for losses in new positions during this period due to the conversion of funds. Check these FAQs for more information.
Binance Convert will maintain the sell-only feature for the mentioned tokens and all associated pairs from November 1, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC) to November 6, 2024, at 02:00 (UTC). Subsequently, Binance Convert will delist the mentioned tokens and all associated pairs on November 6, 2024, at 02:00 (UTC).
On November 5, 2024, at 02:00 (UTC), the mentioned tokens will be delisted from the 'Convert low-value assets' feature. Users will be able to convert low-value assets in advance.
After October 31, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC), the mentioned tokens will be delisted from Auto Invest on Binance. Users can remove these plans in advance. Otherwise, the next recurring cycle of such tokens will not occur.
Binance's cryptocurrency buying and selling service will delist the mentioned tokens and all associated pairs on November 1, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC).
Binance Gift Card will delist the mentioned tokens on November 6, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC). Users are advised to manage their gift cards for these tokens in advance to avoid any inconvenience.
The mentioned tokens will be delisted from Binance Pay on November 1, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC).
Trading Bots services for the mentioned Spot pairs will be canceled on November 6, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC), as applicable. Users are strongly advised to update or cancel their trading Bots before the cessation of services to avoid potential losses.
On November 5, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC), the mentioned Spot pairs will be delisted from Spot Copy Trading. After this date, all pending Spot trading pairs will be moved to the Spot wallet. Users are strongly advised to update or cancel their Spot Copy Trading wallets before November 5, 2024, at 03:00 (UTC) to avoid potential losses.
There may be discrepancies between the translated version and the original English version of this announcement. In case of discrepancies, refer to the original version for the most accurate information.
We appreciate your support as we continue to build the crypto ecosystem in a way that promotes transparency and sustainable long-term growth.
Thank you for your support!
The Binance team