During World War II, one of the most important moments that had a major impact on the global economy was the economic embargo imposed by Western countries on Japan. This embargo occurred in response to Japan's aggression against China, an invasion that was considered a threat to the security of the Asia Pacific region and the interests of Western countries in the region. Japan, which was highly dependent on imports of raw materials, such as oil, felt the impact of this embargo, which ultimately encouraged Japan to aggressively seek new resources, including attacking areas in Southeast Asia.

This embargo marked a decisive step by major countries to curb the ambitions of the aggressor through economic pressure, although on the other hand, it also triggered a bolder response from the party being sanctioned.

This history has strong relevance to the current situation between Russia and Ukraine. When Russia invaded Ukraine, Western countries immediately took steps to impose tough economic sanctions on Russia. The goal was similar: to stop aggression through economic channels, in the hope that financial pressure would reduce Russia's military capabilities or influence its government policies.

The big question arises: will history repeat itself? Will these sanctions have the same impact, or will Russia, like Japan in the past, persist and find a way to circumvent the embargo?

The context and times are different, but history has shown that economic sanctions can provoke unexpected responses from those affected. Let us continue to watch, while remembering that while history does not always repeat itself exactly the same, the lessons it teaches can still be a guide to understanding the current global dynamics.