If it weren't for a notice from Binance, I estimate that many people wouldn't even know about the CTK coin📝

Shentu chain (CTK) has only increased by 4-5% after the announcement, and the trading volume in 24 hours is just over 1 million USD, which is quite dismal!

So let's go for a short-term trade!

Binance will stop CTK deposits and withdrawals in 2024! 🎢

- Date: October 30, 2024, 19:00 (GMT+8)

- Reason: Network upgrade and hard fork

- Block height: 20,949,300 (starting at 20:00)🚀

Announcement link🔗https://www.mokexweb.us/zh-CN/support/announcement/关于支持shentu-ctk-网络升级及硬分叉的公告-9a5b2358bd5e429e8ef5653fa9ab4c6c?utm_source=new_share&ref=CPA_00ULKNUAP8
