How old are you, and you still want to get rich quickly?

99% of people in the cryptocurrency world lose money

If you want to get rich quickly in the cryptocurrency world, you can only commit fraud. But what’s the point of earning money if you have the life to earn it but not the life to spend it?

The poor seek wealth, the rich ask for disaster

All scams have the characteristics of small investment, quick money, no risk, simple operation, etc. All these characteristics are in line with the psychology of those who have little strength but want to get rich quickly, so they are very interested when they hear them.

To make money in the cryptocurrency world, you don’t need to take shortcuts or take risks. You can just make money that you can understand. Yesterday, I said that if you have less money, you should hoard more coins. If you have less money, you should do contracts. Is that crazy? Some fans still can’t accept that hoarding coins makes money too slowly. Here comes the problem.

First of all, it is impossible to make a lot of money quickly in the cryptocurrency circle if you have little capital. Having little money cannot be a reason for you to gamble. God will not show mercy to you just because you have little money and let you succeed in gambling. It is just an intracranial orgasm, meaningless, and just self-PUA.

You just have to work hard or do business to make money, and then invest in the cryptocurrency world after you have money.

The biggest difference between cryptocurrency investment and working/starting a business is that investment can be continued and accumulated, and can be gradually expanded. Working may lead to unemployment, and starting a business is prone to bankruptcy. Although the latter makes money faster, it is difficult to last long. Don't tell me that a century-old store can only exist in dreams.

In this case, you need to be patient and take your time when hoarding coins. On the contrary, speed is precisely the biggest disadvantage of investment. People who want to make quick money just reverse the advantages and disadvantages and naturally lose money.

In fact, many people ignore the power of time. Look at the price of Bitcoin in history. How many times has it increased? In the short term, the profit of a few contracts can exceed that of hoarding coins. No.

You may say that you can't hold it, and there is no such coin. That's right. It is said that investment is the realization of cognition. When you have a target, it is a time to test your wisdom, cognition, endurance, research level and other comprehensive strengths. Bitcoin never listens to the talkers, and only brings benefits to those who understand it.

Many people want to skip this process and get rich overnight and look for coins that can increase by 100 times. I tell you, it is impossible. According to my observation, many investors cannot avoid the prospect theory. Many of those who hoarded coins at the beginning of 21 sold them immediately after they were untied, resulting in the loss of dozens or even hundreds of times of profits.

If you hoard coins, the real money you can make is in those few days. Bearish times are opportunities to accumulate financial strength and cognitive level, and the harvest will be in those few days.

Many people think that they can succeed by making a hundred times profit through contracts, local dog products and copycats. This is completely self-deception. Sooner or later you will lose everything. Even if you buy a car or a house, you will not be able to use the money to achieve success because you lack the process.

The meaning of hoarding coins is not how much you can earn in the end. The patience, ability, delayed gratification, and concentration developed in the process are the most valuable abilities, which cannot be stolen by anyone and can be cashed at any time.

As for one thought, you will be trapped by that thought.

If you let go of one thought, you will feel at ease in your heart.