The Virtual Protocols project focuses on the intersection of AI, blockchain, and the metaverse. It allows users to co-own and interact with AI agents across gaming, entertainment, and virtual environments. The project's core innovation is creating virtual AI agents that are autonomous, multimodal, and capable of operating across platforms like Roblox and Telegram, offering users a seamless and immersive experience. These agents can maintain memory across applications and interact with both digital environments and blockchain.
Key figures behind the Virtual Protocols project include Prakash Somosundram, Colin Choo, Christopher Johnson, and Matthew. Each brings a unique background: Somosundram in fintech and blockchain, Choo in AI and software development, Johnson in digital marketing and VR, and Matthew in cybersecurity. This multidisciplinary team drives innovation in the protocol's AI and blockchain technologies.
In addition, the project has formed strategic partnerships with companies such as Nillion, Virtual Labs, and, which focus on enhancing AI agents, gaming, and data privacy. These collaborations help integrate new technologies into the ecosystem and broaden its reach in the AI-driven digital landscape.
Virtual Protocols' combination of AI, virtual interaction, and co-ownership incentives positions it as a key player in shaping the future of decentralized digital environments.