The story of DOGGO is not just about a token; it is a story of courage, love, and unity. Let us warm the journey of $DOGGO with the warmth of our hearts!

Here’s my understanding of Doggo:

Charitable Core: A disabled dog, yet strong and optimistic, inspiring goodness.

Addictively Charming: Doggo has a cheeky smile that steals hearts. It has become a meme, quirky and fun.

Grassroots Culture: Living at the bottom, referred to as a silly dog. This is the most grassroots meme ever. It represents the spirit of countless grassroots individuals fighting and struggling.

Doge's Brother: The second dog named by Dog Father.

doggo is a strong, optimistic, grassroots, disabled dog with ailments.

Like these crypto refugees in our web3 space, optimistic, undefeated, and strong, seeking their own path in web3.

When we meet friends, we share Doggo's story with them, ensuring that even those outside the crypto space know about Doggo. We want them to understand our narrative and true story, show them pictures and videos of Doggo, so they know about Doggo. There’s no need for them to buy in; we will stick to our mission. We are the next Doge.