How to place cryptocurrency on an exchange?
Since #Tangem #Wallet is intended primarily for the safe storage of cryptocurrency, we will carry out most operations with our crypto assets: staking, farming, trading, putting on deposits on centralized and decentralized exchanges.
Let's try to transfer the cryptocurrency from Tangem Wallet to a centralized exchange, for example, #Binance , to work with it there.
First of all, you need to create a Binance account. We already have it.
If you are still not registered on the largest centralized crypto exchange, Binance, we recommend watching our short video on how to quickly register on Binance.
Once an account has been created on Binance, along with a hot wallet, you can transfer our crypto assets there from Tangem Wallet.
– To do this, go to your wallet in the Binance application.
– We find the currency that we want to list on the exchange.
– We select the network in which we will send ourselves coins.
– And copy the token address.
– Next, go to the Tangem Wallet.
– On the main screen of the Tangem application, select the coin that we want to send to Binance and click on it.
– In the window that opens, click the “Submit” button.
– Next, paste the copied address and enter the number of coins that we want to send to Binance.
– After this, click the “Send” button and touch the Tangem card to the phone to confirm the transaction.
For attentive readers, we have prepared a sweet bonus - a 10% DISCOUNT using the Promo Code “MC8F4T” when purchasing a Tangem Wallet on the company’s official website. Don't miss out!