The data anomaly lasted for about 2 weeks

The ETF narrative is the worst and most disgusting narrative in the history of the B circle. Half a year has passed, which has strengthened this feeling. ETH XRP LTC BCH have all started to go through this cycle. Anyone who has participated in this narrative with a position should feel the same as me. In the half year that ETF funds have continued to flow in, the pie has been closer to the downward channel.

From the direction point of view, the main 🈳 direction should have been half a year ago, but the technical aspect is "slow rise and sharp fall, and the bottom is sharp V", and short-term transactions are not easy to do, and often no profit is received. Longs are also disgusting and cannot be friends with time.

If you want to "marry" time, there will always be someone who comes to destroy your family, seduce "time", and after destroying your moral heart, send it back, sincerely repent, and then wait for you to recover, and seduce again. Repeated 5 times in half a year, I don’t know how many long-term cuckold slaves can still believe in love after being played like this 5 times, and believe in love after the sixth reconciliation, is there any? Of course there are. The coins that the conspiracy group controls are earned by a few snipers and lucky people, not to mention the big pie that the world is betting on

#山寨季要来了吗? #以太坊Layer2总锁仓量上涨 #盘整行情分析 #比特币全网算力创新高 #牛市赛道是那条?