🤖 The ECB just dropped a wild claim: old Bitcoin holders are "exploiting" new ones, and they want strict price controls—or even a ban—on BTC! 🚫💰

Apparently, the European Central Bank thinks that early adopters, who bought low and sold high, are unfairly profiting. Sounds like, you know, how every financial market works. The ECB paper even suggests that rising Bitcoin prices will lead to social chaos. But wait—Bitcoin is barely used for crime compared to cash, and isn't the real culprit here inflation-driven fiat? 🤔

Meanwhile, they conveniently ignore that Satoshi Nakamoto had a plan all along, creating Bitcoin as a hedge against rapidly depreciating fiat. Maybe it’s not Bitcoin that’s the problem—it’s the trillions in fiat debt hanging around! 🏦💸

Is the ECB just mad because they didn’t buy $BTC back in 2009? 😂

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