How many bull and bear markets did Bitcoin go through?

First Bull and Bear Market (2010.9-2012.2)

Bull Market 2010.9-2011.6

Increased from $0.06 to $36, an increase of nearly 6000 times

Bear Market 2011.6-2012.2

Decreased from $32 to $2, a decrease of 93%

Second Bull and Bear Market (2012.2-2015.1)

Bull Market 2012.2--2013.4

Increased from $2 to $256, an increase of nearly 100 times

Bear Market 2013.4-2015.1

Decreased from $256 to $156, a decrease of 87%.

Third Bull and Bear Market (2015.1-2017.12)

Bull Market 2015.1-2017.12

Increased from $156 to $19,299, an increase of nearly 100 times

Bear Market 2017.12-2020.3

Decreased from $19,299 to $3,200, a decrease of over 80%

Fourth Bull and Bear Market (2017.3-2022.11)

Bull Market 2017.3-2021.11

Increased from $3,200 to $69,000, an increase of nearly 20 times

Bear Market 2021.11-2022.11:

Decreased from $69,000 to $15,000, a decrease of 78%

Fifth Bull and Bear Market (2022.11-Present?)

Bull Market Increased from $15,000 to ???

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