PANews reported on October 22 that, according to (FT Chinese Network), HashKey Livio stated that the global capital market has recently shown a 'teeter-totter' effect, with liquidity re-emerging. The rebound in the US tech sector has driven indices like the Nasdaq and S&P 500 upwards, while in the crypto market, after the capital return, Bitcoin's price is approaching $68,000 and is expected to break through the historical highs of $70,000 to $72,000. The current market trend may be related to the upcoming US elections, with market stability being crucial for the electoral situation.

In addition, the internal crypto market is also releasing positive signals, with MicroStrategy stock rebounding, Bitcoin's consolidation coming to an end, and Ethereum showing attractiveness. Global liquidity is shifting towards Hong Kong, and since the implementation of the new regulatory framework in 2023, HashKey Exchange has become one of the top 8 licensed exchanges in Hong Kong, with a total trading volume exceeding 538 billion Hong Kong dollars, attracting a large amount of international funds. In the future, with technological advancements and regulatory improvements, the crypto market will become an important force in global capital allocation.