$WLD WLD This coin is bought by all retail investors. Collecting iris data is a taboo in itself. In any decent country, such as China, the US, Europe, Japan, and South Korea, it is impossible to collect data from the citizens of a country and have it controlled by a private company; it’s simply laughable.

The premise for Apple to sell in China is that all of its data is stored in the Cloud in Guizhou, remaining within China.

The premise for TikTok to operate in the U.S. is that all TikTok data is stored in Oracle, remaining in the U.S.

This is the requirement for privacy data in both China and the U.S.

It is said that the iris data collected by WLD is stored in Brazil, which is simply outrageous. No major power would allow this to happen.

Therefore, WLD is currently collecting data from impoverished areas in Africa and Southeast Asia, trading their privacy for some WLD coins.

The profits of these individuals are ultimately borne by the buyers in the secondary market.

How many coins does the WLD project team hold? Can you know if they are secretly selling? Constantly unlocking, they are already wealthy enough to be financially free.