The United States is considered the only superpower in the world, but this claim has been questioned. Although the U.S. once held a leading position in technology and the economy, it now faces numerous challenges, such as social issues, declining technological innovation, and high debt. The U.S.'s technological leadership is under threat: China's technology cluster number ranks first globally, and the U.S. has significantly fallen behind China in photovoltaic power generation, lithium batteries, electric vehicles, drones, and low-altitude economy. The social issues in the U.S. are severe: 50% of Americans cannot produce $500 for emergencies, and 70% cannot produce $1,000 for emergency medical expenses, while the number of people starving to death in the U.S. exceeds the number of Palestinian civilians starving to death in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The U.S.'s economic calculation method has issues: the U.S. GDP calculation method includes virtual rent, housework done by housewives, etc., which makes the GDP appear high, but the actual situation is not so.

The most beautiful lie in this world is not: In this floating world, I love three things; the sun and the moon, you are the morning and evening, and you are my constant.

Instead: The United States is the only superpower in the world.

Seeing this, many patriots will be furious, eagerly wanting to retort.

Don't rush; let me finish.

The United States became the world's only superpower starting with the moon landing.

55 years ago, the United States successfully achieved the first manned moon landing through the Apollo program.

Stepping out of the cabin, Armstrong left us with the famous quote: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

650 million people worldwide watched the moon landing live, all were stunned, as if in a dream.

From then on, America's technological strength dominated the globe, becoming a beacon of human civilization.

Even top Soviet scientists were astonished; at that time, they could not understand how the U.S. achieved manned moon landing.

Years later, an American journalist holding a Bible asked Armstrong: Do you dare to place your hand on the Bible and swear that you have landed on the moon?

Armstrong angrily punched him, refusing to answer the question.

Later, Boeing provided the answer.

On June 5, 2024, bearing glory and dreams, two American astronauts aboard Boeing's starship successfully reached the International Space Station.

Then, unfortunate events occurred.

Boeing's starship encountered technical issues, and these two astronauts were forced to stay at the space station, unable to return to Earth.

The world's only superpower, 55 years ago, achieved manned moon landing, yet today, it cannot bring astronauts back from the International Space Station.

I wonder if the clever you can figure out the intricacies.

Some started to refute: You are not allowed to slander the lighthouse; the U.S. per capita GDP is $81,600, the people are prosperous, and life is happy.

It is undeniable that the U.S. has the most billionaires in the world, but the average American is really not as wealthy as you might think.

According to a survey, 50% of Americans cannot come up with $500 for emergencies; 70% cannot come up with $1,000 for emergency medical expenses.

On May 22, 2024, Israeli President Netanyahu stated in a media interview: In 2022, the number of people who starved to death in America exceeded 20,000, far surpassing the number of Palestinian civilians who starved to death in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This is America: the wealthy dine lavishly while the streets are filled with frozen bones.

There are still dissenters: America is a symbol of freedom and a global benchmark.

I cannot refute that Americans are indeed quite free.

Americans have the freedom to own guns; on average, one person is shot every 12 minutes. But Americans cannot drink alcohol on the street, not even a beer, because it is illegal.

Americans also have the freedom to use drugs; on average, 301 people die each day from drug use.

Americans even have the freedom of zero-cost purchasing, avoiding work, sunbathing by the beach, and when hungry, going to malls for zero-cost shopping.

A Singaporean netizen said: I have been to America and China; if you love violence, guns, and all decaying culture, then America is definitely for you. You will truly enjoy it until you self-destruct.

This, this, this...

Patriots are exasperated: How can it be said that America's GDP is number one in the world? This cannot be denied, right?

Yes, according to the U.S. GDP calculation method, as long as they are willing, they can always be number one globally.

Why do I say this?

Because even for a self-owned house, without any rental, the U.S. will calculate a virtual rent and include it in GDP.

Even housewives doing housework are counted in GDP.

Estimated drug trafficking costs, legal fees, etc., must all be included in GDP.

There is nothing you cannot imagine; there is nothing he cannot do; it is as much as you want.

In this case, the U.S. GDP can lead for another 10,000 years without issue.

The last stubbornness of the patriot party: American technology is undoubtedly number one in the world.

Thirty years ago, this statement would likely have faced no opposition.

Now, this viewpoint is outdated.

On August 27, according to a report published by the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in 2024, China ranked first globally for two consecutive years in the number of technology clusters.

Among the top 100 technology clusters in the world, China has 26, ranking first; the U.S. has 20, ranking second; Germany has 8, ranking third.

Most of the technology in the U.S. today was invented 60 years ago, and there is almost no innovation now.

Moreover, in the fields of photovoltaic power generation, lithium batteries, electric vehicles, drones, and low-altitude economy, the U.S. has significantly lagged behind China.

What’s more frightening is that the U.S. national debt has reached $35.29 trillion, with a per capita debt of $105,000, and a government deficit of $1.7 trillion, with annual interest on national debt at $1 trillion, which can never be repaid.

Some say to be wary of the U.S. becoming desperate and launching a large-scale war.

As the saying goes, a clever woman cannot cook without rice; without money, what can we use to fight?

By relying on a few rusty aircraft carriers from 40 years ago?

The Houthis don’t even regard slippers, let alone Persian cats?

Don't rush, patiently waiting is a lie that will inevitably be exposed.

Because Lincoln once said: You can temporarily deceive all people, you can even permanently deceive some people, but you cannot permanently deceive all people.