Is the bull market here? Remember these 10 rules, and the main players won’t be able to cut you off anymore!

When a bull market begins, everyone gets restless, but don’t be fooled by the market’s surface. To seize opportunities steadily and avoid being harvested by the main players, you must have your own set of operating principles. The following 10 rules can help you avoid common traps and take fewer detours.

1. Don't chase highs, don’t be greedy

At the start of a bull market, coins that surge too rapidly are often landmines. No matter how hot the market sentiment, don’t be envious and chase the highs; it’s safer to wait for a correction before entering.

2. Don’t panic when it drops, buy on dips

Bull markets are volatile, and short-term declines are common; there’s no need to panic and cut your position. On the contrary, this is a good opportunity to increase your holdings. Don’t miss out on a great chance.

3. Project quality is the most important

Don’t take everything at face value; various projects can rise in a bull market, but ultimately, only the strong will survive. Look closely at the fundamentals, and don’t be misled.

4. Short-term chasing, long-term stability

There are short-term opportunities in a bull market, but holding quality assets for the long term will let you laugh last. Don’t expect to get rich overnight; keep a steady mindset.

5. Altcoin surges, a danger signal

When altcoins suddenly surge, it’s time to be cautious. This often indicates overheated market sentiment, and the main players are starting to look for exit strategies.

6. Good news, be careful of tricks

In a bull market, various positive news stories flood in, with project teams and media desperately telling you tales. Don’t be misled by surface phenomena; often, it’s just to hype up selling.

7. Keep an eye on major players

In a bull market, major players are the true direction indicators. Watch their capital flows, and don’t follow retail investors blindly in chasing highs and cutting losses.

8. Protecting profits is key

The money made in a bull market isn’t true profit; only securing it is yours. Don’t be greedy; occasionally lock in some profits.

9. Risk control cannot be neglected

Even the best markets have risks; manage your positions well and don’t go all in. Risk control is even more important in a bull market.

10. Don’t be swayed by emotions

Market sentiment can easily cause people to lose their rationality. In a bull market, everyone seems to be making money, but calm judgment will allow you to go further.

In a bull market, opportunities and traps coexist; remember these 10 rules, and the main players won’t be able to cut you off easily anymore!