Only in this way can you earn that damned 10 million in the crypto world.

Confucianism governs the world, take up; Taoism governs the self, think freely; Buddhism governs the heart, let go. In the crypto world, you must carry the calm mindset of Buddhism, rely on the transcendent perspective of Taoism, and engage in the worldly pursuits of Confucianism. It is precisely the highest realm of life as mentioned by Mr. Nan Huai-Chin: Buddhism for the heart, Confucianism for the exterior, Taoism for the essence. Look at the world with a broad mind, ignore the fluctuations and disputes in the crypto world, and immerse yourself in the kind of man who becomes a sniper. Only in this way can you earn that damned 10 million in the crypto world.

All the fluctuations of coins before our eyes are like flowers blooming and wilting without regret, connections coming and going like water. The so-called being accomplished in youth, having ambitions in middle age, and cultivating oneself in old age; read Confucianism in youth, understand Taoism in middle age, and practice Buddhism in old age. Only in this way can you avoid frequent trading and preserve your capital. When opportunities arise, you will have bullets ready, and ultimately you will understand that in the crypto world, there will always be a breeze, filling my dreams of hundreds of thousands.

Why do birds not fear branches breaking when they perch on them? Because birds rely on their own wings, not on the branches. Just like us retail investors, you may rely on market conditions to get rich, but you don't know which 'branch' won't break. Only by relying on your own wings can you stand on any branch that might break without fear. Wings are the mindset of birds that have experienced countless failures in taking off, growing step by step. If you don't have wings, you can only patiently observe which branch is the strongest.

The best state of love in the crypto world is to start with a spark of interest and end with growing old together; embrace it for peace, accompany it for warmth.

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