The team behind the 'Uptober' memecoin accused popular crypto influencer Jaypeg of engaging in a promotional scam. Allegations include receiving tokens to promote the project, selling them, and then denying receiving the funds. The Uptober team claimed an agreement was made with Jaypeg to promote the memecoin in exchange for 2% of Uptober's supply, valued at around $2,200. Despite initially accepting the deal in a Telegram thread and receiving the funds, Jaypeg deleted the receiving addresses, stating they were random and not his. Onchain sleuth ZackXBT was contacted to investigate and provided evidence contradicting Jaypeg's claims. The wallet address linked to the received Uptober tokens was also associated with airdrops from Solana Saga, raising suspicions. Memecoin speculation, as highlighted by influencer Murad Mahmudov, is believed to be driving market trends, with a surge in new tokens on the Solana network and increased investor interest in memecoins over Bitcoin. Read more AI-generated news on: