Good evening everyone! A10JQK is here to send you the best news tonight! Today's market is really lively, let's taste these fresh news together!

♠️ Pump.fun is pushing 248,400 tokens this month, and two of them have a market value of over 100 million US dollars! Is this going to cause a big explosion of junk coins? Everyone, please keep your eyes open!

♥️ Uniswap's front-end transaction revenue is nearly 82 million US dollars, and DEX bosses are still so profitable! What do you think of centralized exchanges?

♣️ Ethereum ACD#144proposal is to add EIP 7742 to Pectra. Is this to make gas fees more flexible? Should miners be happy or worried?

♦️ The number of ETH holdings in Ethereum's accumulated addresses exceeds 19 million, an increase of 65% from the beginning of the year! Is this a big player quietly hoarding coins? Bull market signal?

♠️ g8keep Lianchuang suffered a phishing attack on ApeChain and lost $110,000. Brothers, safety first, don't be fooled!

♥️ Placeholder partner said that the launch of GOAT means that AI has begun to realize the importance of blockchain. AI+blockchain, is this going to subvert the world?

♣️ cbBTC's market value exceeds $438 million, and the share on the Base chain exceeds 80%. Is the Base chain going to take off?

♦️ ApeChain ecological Meme coin CURTIS has a market value of more than $14 million. Is Meme coin going crazy again? Are you ready to rush?

♠️ The head of BlackRock ETF said that 80% of Bitcoin trading product buyers are direct investors. With the entry of institutions, how long can this wave of market last?

Brothers and sisters, which melon is most appetizing to you? What unique insights do you have on the market outlook? Let's talk about it!

#垃圾币大爆发 #Uniswap吸金 #ETH大户囤币 #Meme币又疯了 #机构入场

Remember, you can get rich overnight in the cryptocurrency world and become poor overnight. Be cautious when investing, and DYOR will keep you safe!