$APE Today, the most popular boy in the whole network is APE.

It has won people over with its increase, and it has to be won!

The increase is over 90%, and the current price is around 1.42U.

At this moment, many short sellers are ready to move,

trying to bet against it and short it!

However, from the weekly and monthly levels,

it is already on the floor,

it is already on the floor, no matter how it goes up,

not to mention that the main network launch has just begun!

In addition, it is currently in a bull market cycle,

short sellers can only wish for good luck! $BNB $SOL

#BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #币安累计交易量突破100万亿美元 #以太坊Layer2总锁仓量上涨 #APE暴涨 #你看好哪个Meme币?

The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute any investment advice!