Is ApeChain so powerful?

1. Open a public chain

2. Open Meme coins

3. Promote Meme coins on the entire network

4. Directly consume APE, APE takes off

5. APE takes off, attracting more people to ApeChain

6. More people buy ApeChain's Meme coins, APE continues to be in short supply, spirals upward, and prices rise

If the market maker's pattern is big, it will be too awesome. How many people's wealth will be harvested by this? Do you dare to pull 10 times? #美股连涨六周 #以太坊Layer2总锁仓量上涨 #币安累计交易量突破100万亿美元 #特朗普家族加密项目 #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗?