I recommend you to read, research and follow @Tellor

The term ‘TRB’ consists of the initials of the words ‘Trustworthy Blockchain’.

The US-based Tellor Tributes project was founded in 2019 by Brenda Loya and Michael Zemrose. The goal of the Tellor Tributes project is to solve the problems of oracles with speed and cost in off-chain data flows

Tellor Oracle is a decentralized shared data reporter network. Becoming a reporter does not require any verification process, i.e. it is permissionless. Anyone anywhere in the world can become a reporter using open source software, which is a unique feature among blockchain oracles.

Tellor Oracle provides data that can be transparently requested, verified and uploaded to the chain with “reporters” competing for TRB’s incentive. Data reporters bring valuable on-chain information to a wide range of DeFi applications, so their role in the network is important.

Tellor Tributes is a blockchain-based decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts on Ethereum to external data. The Tellor Tributes project is designed for secure, transparent, and decentralized finance-focused Ethereum applications. Tellor Tributes provides valuable off-chain data for Ethereum smart contracts, while ensuring reliability across all data streams.

The Tellor Tributes project allows users to access all the data they need from a single location through Ethereum-based smart contracts with Tellor oracle connections. Oracles provide real-time, reliable, and verified information, so users can access reliable market data without visiting a crypto exchange.

TRB Coin continues its path with sure steps.


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