⚡️ Bitcoin market is in turmoil again: the battle between long and short is in full swing, who will dominate the future trend❓

⚡️ Bitcoin long-short competition: the data of the whole network and Binance reveal the market tendency

The long-short ratio of the whole network: short-selling forces have a slight advantage

On October 19, as of 12:00, the data of the long-short ratio (active buying and selling volume) of Bitcoin in the whole network was released, showing the delicate balance of the current market.

Specifically, the long-short ratio is temporarily reported at 0.8539, which means that in active buying and selling, 46.05% of investors choose to go long, while 53.94% of investors tend to go short.

This data reflects that although the long force cannot be ignored, the short force has a slight advantage in the current market.

The ratio of long and short people on the Binance platform: the number of short positions is dominant

Further focusing on the Binance platform, the long-short ratio of the BTCUSDT contract trading pair also reveals the market tendency.

At present, the ratio of longs to shorts in this trading pair is temporarily reported at 0.66, with the number of long positions accounting for only 39.77%, while the number of short positions is as high as 60.23%.

This data further confirms the trend of the long-short ratio of the entire network, that is, on the Binance platform, the number of short positions is also greater than the number of long positions.

Market trends: The long-short contest continues, and investors need to be cautious

Combining the data of the entire network and the Binance platform, it can be seen that the current Bitcoin market is in a stalemate between the long and short sides.

Although the comparison of long and short forces has tilted, it does not mean that the market trend has been determined.

When facing this complex situation, investors should remain cautious and pay close attention to market dynamics in order to make wise investment decisions.

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