Sudden sudden sudden sudden 😂😂😂😂 Currently, many communities have been deceived, please pay attention 💩💩💩#DOGE飙升 #fwog

The kind frog fwog on eth was deceived. Recently, a self-proclaimed artist deecayz on Twitter came to our community. Thousands of people in the community respected her because of pity and her influence. However, on the first day of joining the group, community members were asked to fight for Ethereum and fwog tokens.

A strange thing happened. Due to the kindness of community members, they spontaneously gave her a lot of Ethereum and tokens. Just last night when we went to bed, this self-proclaimed artist unfollowed the official account and sold the tokens.

The current coin price fell and then began to rise rapidly. Our community is an indestructible cockroach. It will not die because of the destruction and departure of a certain person. It will only make us more united and stronger.

At present, community members are very united. fwog on eth welcomes all big guys to join and build. I believe that with you, fwog will be stronger.

This round of bull market is more inclined to the integration of meme and community culture. Thousands of tokens on the market are playing a game called running fast. If there is capital and team interested in our community, please contact us. We have a community promotion team, publicity team, and copywriting team. Now we just need you to join us.