I saw someone saying that I was black on Binance. I have never received rebates or benefits from any platform. I have always remained silent or neutral whenever Binance had a turmoil. When CZ got into trouble, I supported CZ with my name. You are going too far to say that I am black on Binance. I hope that every Chinese project can flourish.

A long time ago, I mentioned the issue of Binance's market share declining, and I wrote at that time that Binance deserves more in-depth and detailed consideration in terms of listing, user experience, and product services. These are the things I wrote before all the storms. I am not a bootlicker who says everything is good. For example, Web3 wallets, the convenience of use for new users, and the needs of users in the NFT, MeMe, and inscription markets are things I understood from my personal and surrounding people's perspective of using products a long time ago.

1. The demand for the NFT market, which is a market that most of the new young generation users around me are willing to learn about. Obviously, Binance does not have a very complete NFT market and interface, which was mentioned half a year ago.

2. The demand for inscriptions and MeMe has led to the demand for Web3 wallet experience. Obviously, Binance has not had a good Web3 market experience so far.

3. Binance software is a cumbersome tool for new users, and it does not provide a more convenient on-boarding experience.

4. The market value of listed coins and the development trend of the industry. You will find that Binance has always been a step behind others in the past year, or the benefit effect has obviously declined. As a result, many KOLs are slow to respond. I often wait for the market to pick up and find that my articles have been copied, pasted and modified by other KOLs. Including some elderly people around me who are increasingly looking for tokens with small market value and industry trends.

I knew about these things a long time ago. I thought Binance was deliberately losing market share, but looking at the market share trend, it doesn't seem like that.

One of the most annoying things about Binance is the freezing of my friend's account funds. The customer service took 14 days to reply, so I asked a sister to solve it. Sister Yi is very approachable. I always hope that everyone will get better and better, but I don't have to take a lick of everything. I

I have always defended the Chinese platform externally. This is my bottom line as a person. I will not blacken anyone, nor will I favor anyone. $BTC $ETH $BNB