A Russian crypto expert has predicted that Bitcoin (BTC) will rise to a range of 70,000$ -75,000$ by the end of this month following its recent surge. BTC had started its upward trajectory towards the 67,000$ level this week, with some optimistic about a bullish breakout. The Russian newspaper Izvestia quoted Cryptobotpro founder Alexey Mokrov as saying on October 16 that the market is starting to give traders “something to be happy about,” adding that BTC is now showing signs of “strength.”

Will Bitcoin reach 70,000$ before the end of October?

Are Ethereum and Solana also on an upward trajectory?

In addition to his prediction that the BTC price will reach the aforementioned range, Mokrov spoke about the Solana (SOL) coin, saying that “if the blockchain stabilizes,” the price of SOL “may rise to $180,” but “in case of unforeseen circumstances,” the price may “easily” drop to $140. He continued, explaining: “It is difficult to predict the price path in the crypto market not only because of the geopolitical situation in the world and the upcoming elections in the United States, but also because the market is under great pressure from the general state of the American and European economies.”