#BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #特朗普家族加密项目 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #DOGE飙升 #LUMIA $BTC $ETH $BNB Teach you how to quickly get out of the sea of ​​suffering! How to quickly get out of the trap?

(1) Locking order and adding position difference method: After being trapped, it means that our judgment is wrong. The market price moves in the opposite direction of ours. When it rebounds or falls to a certain height, it is estimated that the short-term high point has been reached. We must continue to increase the position of the locked order Z J to ensure that the locked order position is greater than the locked order position. Through this technique of mainly following the trend, we can increase the price difference earned by locking orders. Finally, when the total Z J makes up for the loss, the trap is solved, and there is Y L, then all are sold.

(2) The method of adding positions at the bottom: After being trapped, you must be patient and dare to lock your position. Because of the characteristics of the product, some prices and bottom signals appear, especially the rebound signals and bottom signals of the K-line of large cycles such as the weekly line, which will be very stable. As long as the bottom signal of the large cycle appears, you must boldly untie the rope, keep buying on dips, and increase your position. Once the large cycle rebounds, you can get out.

(3) The method of reducing the average price: After being trapped, if you are trapped at a relatively historical low, don’t worry, there will definitely be room for rebound. At this time, you must continue to buy on dips, and increase your position once every 15% of the space to reduce the average price. In this way, when the market rebounds, you can get out. This technique is also called the pyramid method.

(4) Single Z S method: When you feel that your direction and trend are wrong, and there is really no chance, choose a certain rebound space to stop loss. The one-sided market is very large, especially when the reverse order is trapped at a high or low position, you must decisively Z S. Single stop loss is the most effective solution technique, because you can re-order and guarantee your capital.

I hope this can help you. If you have any questions, you can always drop it!