DOGE price prediction, can the buying momentum continue?

DOGE has been popular recently, and the price has increased by nearly 10% in one day! Moreover, not only the price has increased, but also the average amount of each transaction has increased, which shows that more big players have begun to enter the market and are interested in Dogecoin.

The increase in the transaction amount is not a trivial matter. It is like a thermometer in the market, showing everyone's enthusiasm and confidence. Now that there are so many large transactions, it means that someone is willing to bet on Dogecoin, and capital has begun to flow, which usually leads to price increases.

However, although the situation seems to be very good, it is not without risks. From some technical indicators, although Dogecoin is rising, the momentum of this rise is not particularly strong. If this momentum can be maintained, Dogecoin can continue to rise; but if there is any disturbance, the price may also fall.

Let's talk about the directional movement index of Dogecoin. This index is like a compass of the market, telling us which direction the market is going. Now it seems that Dogecoin is rising, but the rise is not particularly strong. It's like running. Although you're already running, the speed is not particularly fast.

Finally, let's talk about price prediction. Now, the price trend of Dogecoin is still quite positive, but if you want to continue to rise, it depends on whether the buying pressure can be maintained. If there are always a lot of buyers, the price may rush to $0.138 or even $0.143. But if the buying momentum weakens, Dogecoin may fall back to $0.1 or even $0.088, which is a 30% correction!

The test of the bull market is not only the rise and fall of the market, but also the test of our mentality. In the face of changes in the account, we must remain rational. Next, I will announce the next ten-fold potential coin! It's better to grasp it than to guess blindly!


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