$DIA alert alert alert

don't stuck

Fibonacci Levels: The price has shot up and reached resistance around the 1.23 level. It may struggle to break past the 1.238 resistance, potentially leading to a pullback to the next Fibonacci level (1.058 or lower).

RSI (Relative Strength Index): The RSI is above 88, which indicates the asset is heavily overbought. This often suggests that a correction or retracement is likely soon.

Support Levels: If the price starts to decline, the Fibonacci levels around 1.058 and 0.95 could act as support zones.

Given these signals, it is likely that DIA may experience a pullback soon. Keep an eye on how it reacts around the 1.238 resistance zone, and be prepared for a correction if selling pressure increases.$SUI $INJ #MemeCoinTrending #BTCSoarsTo68K #BinanceLabsInvestsLombard #USRetailSalesBoost