💥REEF holders, please note💥: After seeing Reef fall by 60%, there are still people asking for bargain hunting? Brother, do you have to be so impatient? But looking at today, it can still fall by 40%! There is no worst, only worse. 🤷‍♂️This kind of fall is even worse than Mario, directly stepping from the ceiling to the floor.

Everyone should think it through before getting started. This "pull the hang and run" routine is not worth a lick! 📉 Even if it falls to the bottom today, there may be nothing left tomorrow. Think about Luna's lesson! Investment requires BUIDL belief, but more importantly, you need to have brains.

So, those who hold Reef, wait for a decent rebound before considering it. Those who haven't entered the market, drink some tea and think calmly: Why so serious? Every penny you earn is yours, don't let your emotions control your wallet! #加密投资 $REEF#美股财报季来袭 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普家族加密项目