What is the reason for the sudden plunge of RDNT? Is it a good time to buy the bottom now?

According to reports, the Radiant Capital community is voting on the proposal of "accelerating the unlocking of RDNT to enhance the emission reserve and the annualized return rate of RIZ", with an opposition rate of over 90%. The voting ended on October 15.

In short, the project party wanted to unlock the locked 200 million RDNT in advance and cash it out, but was rejected by the community.

Now many small currency project parties are quite unscrupulous. Some openly upgrade their brands and issue new versions of tokens, while others silently increase the issuance of tokens. For such unscrupulous project parties who are only interested in selling coins, it is recommended to avoid long-term holding.

However, from a short-term perspective, it may be possible to go long as a short-term transaction.

Because the market crash caused by panic caused by such news at the first time is often a "gold pit". In addition, RDNT's K-line shows a "double bottom pattern with large volume" at the daily level, and there is a possibility of a large rebound.

It should be noted that this is an opportunity to buy the bottom in the short term, not a long-term holding. For such unscrupulous tokens, it is better to stay away from them as soon as possible.