According to Chaincatcher, Solana has officially connected to Telegram's first decentralized multi-chain wallet UXUY, continuing to expand the competitive advantage of the crypto ecosystem. This is the 20th public chain that UXUY has connected to after Bitcoin Lightning Network, Ethereum, BNB Chain, BASE, TRON, SUI and other ecosystems.

UXUY is incubated and invested by Binance Labs, and is committed to providing Telegram with more abundant multi-chain DApp access services and application centers, and providing all-round support for high-quality DApps through the Puzzle Plan. 900 million users can access the Solana ecosystem with one click through the UXUY wallet, participate in DApp chain interactions and participate in early projects, and earn airdrops and points rewards. The current average daily transfer number of Solana exceeds 65 million. With the access to the Telegram social network, Solana's activity is expected to achieve further breakthroughs.

Kevin, founder of UXUY, said: "After supporting the Solana ecosystem, the multi-chain map of the UXUY wallet has become richer. We will actively introduce more emerging public chains and DApp projects to the Telegram ecosystem, and look forward to more interesting sparks between social networks and blockchain."