#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #特朗普家族加密项目 #特斯拉转移比特币 #美股财报季来袭

Master the rules and your life will be smooth:

Once you realize that everything in the world follows the rules, your life will be clear. This is "opening up". Those who have opened up have insight into the world, whether it is wealth, emotion or human nature, and can grasp its context, so they are invincible.

The way of business is to understand human nature:

People consume because of comparison, seek convenience because of laziness, and seek benefits because of greed.

The emotional world is based on interests:

Friendship and hostility are not eternal, only interests are permanent.

The secret to making money lies in matching supply and demand:

Combine personal strengths with market needs, provide unique and difficult-to-replicate services, and wealth will follow.

Successful people are like seeds waiting for spring:

They know that it is difficult to achieve great things by one's own efforts. They need to use resources and connections as fertilizer, trends and wind outlets as light, so that they can reap rich fruits in autumn.

Those who are not enlightened, although diligent, have no results. This is because they do not understand this principle, and instead blame the world for being difficult. Little do they know that achieving one's dreams requires insight into the laws.