BTC and ETH options open positions have broken new highs, and capital layout is ready to go!

According to the latest data from Coinglass, the nominal value of BTC options open positions on the entire network today reached US$23.989 billion, and the nominal value of ETH options open positions also reached US$5.547 billion, both of which have refreshed the highs since September 27. These data not only show a surge in market liquidity, but also indicate that large funds are actively deploying and brewing the next round of market outbreaks.

Viewpoint: The activeness of the options market often indicates that violent fluctuations are coming. At present, both BTC and ETH are brewing a large-scale action. Funds from all walks of life are eyeing and ready to attack at any time. Once the trend is established, profits will accumulate rapidly like a snowball! Don't miss the best time for this wave of layout. Future opportunities are only for those who dare to take positions in advance!

Continue to pay attention to Lao Lin, grasp the pulse of the market together, and keep up with this wave of capital trend! Success is never left to those who hesitate!

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