🚀 I just woke up and#REEFtook a "heart-pounding bath", diving 48% in a short period of time! This reminds me of the story of bravely facing the "attack" from my wife that year. To gain a foothold in the cryptocurrency circle, you don't have a tough "Dirty Work" spirit, you really dare not just go! REEF's roller coaster market is undoubtedly a vivid risk control course. Since you already know that the market is crazy, why didn't you step into "heaven" in advance? 🤷‍♂️

After being delisted from Binance, REEF experienced an explosive rebound, but today's pullback makes people feel the ruthlessness of the crypto market. The tragedy of GOAT on SUI returning to zero is really a painful lesson. The volatility of the market is not the stability that can be exchanged for a lot of money, but the decisiveness that is enough to pull the rope and run away.

Remember: "Stay rational at the craziest time" is the cornerstone of ultimate success. I have bought in full, and I hope REEF can stick to the bottom line, with a target price of 1.0. After all, I still have a dream of doubling in my heart! 💰💪 #盲目投资不可取 #耐心才是王道 #BNB涨至600 #Meme浪潮持续,你看好哪一个? #BTC能否站稳6W6