$BTC If you want to be in the cryptocurrency circle,

You also need to understand the opening and closing times of the US stock market!

The normal closing time of the US stock market is 4 pm Eastern Time. Since the United States has summer time and winter time, the corresponding Beijing time will be different.

During summer time (mid-March to early November each year), the Eastern Time in the United States is 12 hours different from Beijing time. At this time, the US stock market opens at 9:30 pm, which corresponds to the closing time of 4 am the next day in Beijing time.

During winter time (mid-November to mid-March of the following year), the Eastern Time in the United States is 13 hours different from Beijing time. The US stock market opens at 9:30 pm, which corresponds to the closing time of 5 am the next day in Beijing time.

It should be noted that in addition to normal trading hours, the US stock market also has pre-market trading (usually 4 am to 9:30 am Eastern Time) and after-hours trading (4 pm to 8 pm Eastern Time). However, the trading volume of pre-market and after-hours trading is relatively small, and the liquidity is not as good as normal trading hours.


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The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute any investment advice!