So what elements are needed to become a trading expert? I think there are three:

The first is to be objective and neutral. Don't have any thoughts about other people's views and market news. Keep objective and neutral, and don't have any emotions. When walking, do it if it complies with the rules, and don't do it if it doesn't. When there is no market opportunity, read books and drink tea. When there is a market opportunity, pay close attention and be prepared at all times.

The second element is to plan transactions. There is a saying that goes, plan your transactions, trade your plans, make trading plans according to our strategies and methods, and when the opportunity really comes, trade our plans. After making trading plans, we need to wait patiently for the final confirmation signal. When there is no trading plan in the market, wait patiently for the plan to appear. When the confirmation signal appears, strike decisively. After opening a position, wait patiently for the stop loss or reach the stop profit position.

The third element is that any method strategy will not be 100% effective. When we open a position, we must be prepared for the worst. You can have expectations for the outcome of this transaction, but don’t expect too much. If you don’t have high expectations, when the market goes bad, you won’t feel too much pain. When the market goes well and the results are good, they will far exceed expectations. There will be a little joy in your heart. This is how the transaction ends. There is no great sorrow or joy. You face the transaction calmly and your heart is peaceful and tranquil. If you make money and are overjoyed and tell others about it, but lose money and feel unhappy, even regretful and out of control, then it proves that you still have a long way to go in terms of trading. #BTC☀