Friends who have been liquidating their positions recently have problems.

Either you are gambling with high leverage, or you are gambling with all-in for fake air coins

If it is gambling, it is abnormal if you don’t have a liquidation. Liquidation is a daily operation!

Most people’s goal of playing contracts is not to make steady money, but to get rich overnight! In other words, there are all kinds of fluke mentality.

Normally, contracts must not touch high leverage. Once you touch it, it will be difficult to quit!

BTC and ETH are the first choice for contracts, but when converted to full positions, it must not exceed 3 times. Those who exceed 3 times are uniformly called gambling dogs!

In the absence of a very strong risk control level, proactively reducing leverage is the best risk control! At least, with 3x leverage, BTC does not need to plummet 30% overnight to cause your liquidation.

But if you follow those gamblers 50X, 100X, it is exciting, but no matter how much money you make, it is not enough to compensate, which is pure leek behavior!

We repeatedly remind friends in the community that when following orders, do not exceed 3 times the full position, usually 1-2 times, or a small position with a larger leverage, steady profit, and a long-term contract is the final destination!

For gamblers who want to get rich overnight, there is only one ending, that is, repeated liquidation and repeated borrowing of money.

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