Survival rules in the currency circle - whoever survives will be the king!

First: Capital first! Always remember that keeping the capital is the key to your survival in this market. Saying it three times is not enough! Many people only think about making money, but ignore the risks, and are taught a lesson by the market.

Second: Don't be greedy, make stable profits. In fact, as long as you are not greedy, it is not difficult to make money, and stable small profits are more reliable.

Third: Concentrate on varieties, leave room for positions, and follow the trend. Never be full, once the market reverses, your retreat will be gone.

Fourth: Don't hold a heavy position, don't hold on, and don't operate frequently. These are all good habits to leave a way out for yourself.

Fifth: Buy slowly, sell decisively, and don't delay stop loss. There are always opportunities, but missing the stop loss may make you return to the pre-liberation era overnight.

Sixth: You can't make all the money, but you can lose it all. Don't think about eating up all the profits, the market may slap you back at any time.

Seventh: Stop loss must be executed, unconditionally! Stop loss is always right, and dragging it out will only make things worse.

Article 8: It is better to take profits in the pocket than in the short and long term. What you get is the most stable, don't be greedy and think that the market will go on forever.

Article 9: The market will always turn around. This will never change, don't imagine that the trend will not reverse.

Article 10: Don't trade if there is no opportunity. Missing opportunities is the norm, just grab a part of it, don't think about getting all of them.

Article 11: Waiting for opportunities is always better than looking for opportunities. Patience is the biggest weapon of the winner.

Article 12: Stop when you achieve your goal, your energy is limited! Don't think about making money all day, and rest when you achieve your goal.

Article 13: Stop loss is your responsibility, and profit is the gift of the market. Don't get confused, the market doesn't owe you anything.

Article 14: Money comes from waiting, not from frequent trading. Don't think about making 100 times a day, the real profit comes from waiting.

Article 15: Desire can defeat your mentality, and execution can save you. Strictly follow the trading strategy, don't be led by emotions, and achieve unity of knowledge and action!

These rules seem very simple, but it is very difficult to implement. Only those who can really do it can become the ultimate winner!

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