10.16 Brief analysis of Wednesday lunch ideas!

In the morning, we gave a short view of the 67400 area. Although the price fell as expected, the overall strength was still a bit unsatisfactory! It’s worthy of more than 500 kong rooms. But no matter how small the mosquito is🥩!

At this stage, in the short-term level, the K-line continued to fall from negative in early trading and closed positive at noon. As time goes on, the head volume can be successfully converted. Currently, the state of gradually increasing volume is developing, and there is still further progress in the short-term rhythm. Downward demand!

In the short term at noon, just operate in the downward direction!

Big pie: The 67000-67500 area is empty, and the target is 66500-66200!

Ether: 2605-2625 area is empty, target 2580-2560!

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